Ruvaga, Lenny Rashid2022-03-302022-03-302021-10Ruvaga, L. R. (2021, October). The Role of Peer-to-Peer Communication in The Adoption of Community Currencies in Kenya A Case of Gatina Pesa in Gatina Village Kawangware. Daystar University, School of Communication; Nairobi. of arts In communicationThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of peer-to-peer communication in the adoption of community currencies in Kenya, with a special focus on Gatina Pesa (GP) in Gatina village, Kawangware. The study objectives were to find out the role of peer communication in the adoption of community currencies, investigate the factors that influence the adoption of community currencies, and to evaluate the challenges of peer communication in the adoption of community currencies in Gatina village Kawangware in Nairobi County. The research was guided by the Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI). The study used descriptive research design with a sample size of 50 respondents who have adopted the use of GP in their businesses. Data was collected through questionnaires and a key informant interview. The data collected from the questionnaires were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software for analysis. For the interview, it was recorded, and the data transcribed and was then analyzed thematically and presented in narration form. The study established that peer communication as indicated by 68% of the respondents, played a role in the uptake of Gatina Pesa. The in-depth interview with the senior manager established that peer communication was applied in creating awareness about Gatina Pesa through rewarding referees and rewarding users with weekly bonuses. The study recommends that innovators should consider the use of peer-to-peer communication to ease adoption of new technologies. Future studies could be done on how financial literacy levels affect uptake of community currencies.enPeer-to-Peer CommunicationCurrenciesKenyaGatina PesaGatinaKawangwareThe Role of Peer-to-Peer Communication in The Adoption of Community Currencies in Kenya A Case of Gatina Pesa in Gatina Village KawangwareThesis