Mathenge, JustusAyuya, CarolineOngaro, KennedyKhasakhala, Lincolin2021-11-182021-11-182019-12Mathenge J., Ayuya C., Ongaro K., & Khasakhala L. (2019). Association between Anxiety Disorders and Socio-Demographic Characteristics among School Going Children in Nairobi, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education, 6(12), 134-138. 139-146.2349-0381 ArticleThe purpose of this study was determine association between Anxiety Disorder and Socio-demographic characteristics among School going children in Nairobi, Kenya. The study employed a descriptive study design utilizing purposeful sampling frame.The sample size of 92 was drawn from classes 3 to 7 at Our Lady Queen of Peace and Amani primary schools. Data was collected using a self-administered Socio-demographic and the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED) – Child Version. Findings indicated that the socio-demographic characteristics; 50% of the respondents’ parents were not living together with a significant number of the pupils living with their single mother compared to single fathers. Half of the respondents were from very poor socio-economic background as depicted by materials used in constructing houses their family lived-in (mud 2.7%, 8.0% wooden materials and 37.1% iron sheets) and source of water for domestic use, where 31.7% drew water from a common tab outside their houses.enAnxiety disordersChildren AssociationSocio demographicKenyaAssociation between Anxiety Disorders and Socio-Demographic Characteristics among School Going Children in Nairobi, KenyaArticle