Mwanzo, I.Kimathi, GeorgeAffullo, Augustine2024-05-162024-05-162011Mwanzo, I. Kimathi, G. and Affullo, A. (2011): Factors Encouraging The Use Of Insecticide Treated Bed-Nets By Women For Malaria Control in Ndavaya and Kinango Divisions of Kinango District of Kenya. Journal of Sociology , Psychology and Anthropology in Practice ArticleThe aim of this study was to investigate and compare the factors that influence the use of Insecticide Treated Bed-Nets (ITNs) by women for malaria control in Ndavaya and Kinango Divisions of Kinango District of Kenya. A cross-sectional survey design using systematic sampling technique was applied to collect data from 204 women selected randomly from the two divisions. Semi structured questionnaire, Key Informant Interview and Focused Group Discussion were the instruments used to gather data. Data on variables such as age, educational level, incomes and source of nets were summarized using graphs. Chi-square test was applied to test whether the deviations observed were as a result of chance or due to other factors. Results indicated among others that the use of ITNs increased with the level of education and income. The government therefore should develop a communication package for malaria endemic areas, encourage further research to establish the factors that influence use of ITNs as well as explore the efficacy of indigenous malaria control mechanisms, using the appropriate government agencies.enITNswomenmalariadeterminantsFactors Encouraging The Use Of Insecticide Treated Bed-Nets By Women For Malaria Control in Ndavaya and Kinango Divisions of Kinango District of KenyaArticle