Githinji, Scolastica KariukiGachari, Regina2020-08-182020-08-182020-05Kariuki, S. & Gachari, R. (2020, May). Gender Responsive Life-Skills-Based Sexuality Education and Adolescents’ Protective Sexuality Attitudes and Behaviour. IJRISS IV (V), pp.80-89.2454-6186 ArticleAdolescent are at high sexual risk owing to their biopsychosocial development and in view of high rate of new HIV infections in persons aged 15-24-years in Kenya. According to the Kenya National AIDS Control Council (2015) the increase is from 21% in the year 22013 to 51% in 2015. Education on adolescent sexuality behavior and reproductive health, is often expected from education sector yet comprehensive sexuality Life skills-based education is not ascertained. Aims: So, a research study was conducted to determine the relationship gender responsive life-skills based sexuality education and adolescents ‘protective sexuality attitudes and behaviors in church-based schools in Kenya. The independent variable of study comprised combined variables of gender responsive life-skills based sexuality education, which included comprehensive sexuality education, gender responsive sexuality education, gender equality and equity, & gender power. Samples: A questionnaire was administered among 140 adolescent girls and boys aged 15-20 in Nairobi and Athi River church schools. The Catholic Church and Presbyterian churches schools were selected by convenience sampling. Methods: Quantitative research design was employed, adolescents responded to Likert scale items and open-ended questions to provide score on gender responsive life-skills based education and their protective attitude and behavior. Pearson correlations coefficient was used to determines links between independent and dependent variables. Results and Conclusion: Comprehensive sexuality education takes place in church schools and predicts 10.7% of adolescents’ protective sexuality attitudes and behavior. Gender responsive life skills-based sexuality education should be taught in all schools in Kenya as they enhance protective attitudes and behaviorsenEqualityGender equityGender responsivenessGender sensitivityLife skills EducationProtective Sexuality Attitudes and BehaviorsGender Responsive Life-Skills-Based Sexuality Education and Adolescents’ Protective Sexuality Attitudes and Behaviour.Article