Evangeline Ngina Musau2024-05-032024-05-032023-10Musau, E. N,. (2023, Thesis). Prevalence of burnout among caregivers of children with mental health conditions attending clinic At kenyatta national hospital. School of Applied Human Sciences, Daystar University.https://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/4406Masters ThesisABSTRACT Burnout is a psychological phenomenon resulting from chronic stress exposure. Caregivers work in home-based environments, assisting children with mental health conditions. This study aims to determine the prevalence of burnout among caregivers of children with mental health conditions at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi County, Kenya. The study found 20 psychiatric disorders in the children of caregivers, including bipolar and Autism Spectrum illnesses. The children of two caregivers exhibited posttraumatic disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety, and mental impairment. The study also revealed various mental health issues, such as social phobia, binge eating disorder, substance intoxication, psychosis, mutism, anxiety disorder, and personality disorder.Caregivers prioritize seeking financial assistance for the child's mental disorder rather than self-evaluation and diagnosis. The lack of psychosocial aid and insurance coverage also contributed to burnout. The study highlights the emotional strain families experience when caring for loved ones diagnosed with mental health disorders. Factors contributing to burnout include financial restrictions, emotional exhaustion, and a lack of social support. KNH is working to secure grants and support caregivers through entrepreneurial endeavors and debriefing sessions. Strategies such as self-awareness and active listening can improve the well-being and dedication of carers in their efforts to support children with mental health disordersencaregiverschildrenmental healthclinickenyatta national hospitalPrevalence of burnout among caregivers of children with mental health conditions attending clinic At kenyatta national hospital.Thesis