Awuor, Wesonga Roseline2024-11-042024-11-042022-10Awuor, W. R. (2022). An Assessment of Utilization of Women Enterprise Fund for Socio-Economic Empowerment of Female Entrepreneurs in Selected Wards in Butula Sub-County, Busia County- Kenya. Daystar University, School of Applied Human Sciences OF ARTS in Community DevelopmentThis research examined how utilization of WEF has contributed to socio-economic empowerment of female entrepreneurs in selected wards of Butula Sub County, Busia County, Kenya. Its specific objectives were to establish level of utilization of WEF loans among women in selected wards of Butula Sub County, investigate uses of WEF loans among women in selected wards of Butula Sub County, assess effects of WEF loans on socio-economic empowerment of women in selected wards of Butula Sub County and to investigate challenges women face in utilization of WEF in selected wards of Butula Sub County. Entrepreneurship Theory and Institutional Theory of Entrepreneurship formed the theoretical framework. A descriptive survey design was adopted targeting a population of 1,344 WEF beneficiaries from Marachi West and Marachi Central from which 134 were select into the sample size and three key informant interviews were conducted with women group leaders and the WEF officer. A structured questionnaire was administered to women group members while an interview guide was administered to key informants. Quantitative data was analysed descriptively while qualitative data was analysed using content analysis from which emerging themes were presented and discussed. The study found that access to funds resulted in entrepreneurship (69.1%), empowerment in decision making (72.3%) and independence among women as they run businesses (73.8%) and earn an income. The major challenge faced in accessing loans was the long processing duration. The study recommends that WEF loans amounts should be increased; WEF should continually evaluate and enhance training programmes; and WEF management should reduce the time taken to disburse funds from the 45 days to 14 days.ensocio-economic empowermentWEF loanshallenges women faceAn Assessment of Utilization of Women Enterprise Fund for Socio-Economic Empowerment of Female Entrepreneurs in Selected Wards in Butula Sub-County, Busia County- KenyaThesis