Atieno, Bessie Valerie2024-10-152024-10-152016-06Atieno, B. V. (2016). The Role of Corporate Communication in the Implementation of Kenya’s Privatization Programme: A Case of Privatization Commission. Daystar University, School of Communication OF ARTS in CommunicationPrivatization can fail where there is no full understanding of the role of communication during implementation. This study sought to determine how corporate communication could be used to inform potential investors about existing investment opportunities as a result of privatization; establish how corporate communication could be used to drive public participation; further establish how corporate communication could be used to position PC as the go-to authority on privatization matters and finally to examine strategies of communication that could be applied to create awareness and involve all stakeholders in the privatization process. This study employed a descriptive research design that enabled generalization of findings and was also useful in determining relationships among the variables of interest. A census study was adopted because the researcher targeted all those directly involved during the implementation of privatization transactions. The purposive sampling technique was used to come up with 35 respondents. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews were used to collect data which was then analyzed using SPSS. From the study, it was established that communication could be used to inform investors of existing investment opportunities as a result of privatization. The study also determined that it was extremely important for the public to be sensitized as part of the privatization process. The study further determined that the Privatization Commission could position itself as the go-to authority on privatization matters by increasing its media presence and visibility through advertisements and publicity campaigns. The study recommended that PC should leverage on the benefits of privatization to the economy and use this as a selling point. Additionally, the entities to be privatized must engage their stakeholders in order to build good relationships which can enhance the entities’ reputation and credibility and eventually lead to successful privatizations.enCorporate CommunicationKenya’s Privatization ProgrammeThe Role of Corporate Communication in the Implementation of Kenya’s Privatization Programme: A Case of Privatization CommissionThesis