Kiprono, Kirui Collins2025-01-202025-01-202024Kiprono, K. C. (2024). The Role of Devolution in The Realization of Sustainable Cities in Kenya: A Case of Nakuru City. Daystar University, School of Arts and Social Sciences OF ARTS in Diplomacy, Development, and International SecuritySustainable cities and communities are the key framework enshrined in the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), an effort to achieve the 2030 transformative agenda. Various approaches, including devolution in response to unsustainable cities with inadequate infrastructures, affordable housing and all the basic services, have been employed by both the national and the county governments of Nakuru. Without analyzing the effectiveness of this strategy, the problem of unsustainable cities is bound to continue. This study will assess what could be done by the devolved county governments using the case of Nakuru County government and other relevant authorities such as the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, and State Department for Housing to achieve sustainable Nakuru City. A city that is safe, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable for human development. Therefore, the overall objective of this study is to evaluate how devolution can contribute to the realization of sustainable cities as Nakuru City exemplifies. The specific objective of the study is to examine the devolution strategies put in place by the National and Nakuru County governments to achieve sustainability in Nakuru County, to analyse the effectiveness of the current strategy in achieving sustainability and to assess ways in which devolution can be scaled up to enhance sustainability in Nakuru County. The research will adopt modernization theory and transition theory as the theoretical frameworks. The research will also use descriptive research design with qualitative research methods as its methodological tools. The researcher will also employ open-ended questionnaires and key informant interviews in collecting primary data during data collection process.enSustainable cities and communitiesUnited Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)2030 transformative agendaThe Role of Devolution in The Realization of Sustainable Cities in Kenya: A Case of Nakuru CityThesis