Waithima, AbrahamMbeneka, CarolyneMunene, Alice2024-07-302024-07-302023-07Mbeneka, C., Munene, A. and Waithima, A. (2023) The Efficacy of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy in Treating PTSD among LGBTQ Individuals in Selected Support Groups in Kenya. Open Access Library Journal, 10: e10310. https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1110310Online: 2333-9721Print: 2333-9705https://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/4943Journal ArticleVirtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) is a digitally assisted psychotherapy that has potential evidence to suggest that VRET may be effective to reduce posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Meanwhile, empirical studies have indicated that LGBTQ+ individuals are at higher risk of developing PTSD, with the prevalence estimates of up to 48%, which is much higher than the general population. This current study therefore sought to investigate whether VRET will be efficacious to treat PTSD among LGBTQ+ individuals. This study is an intervention research using quasi-experimental research design to collect data from 60 LGBTQ+ individuals in selected support groups in Kenya. The samples of 60 LGBTQ+ individuals were screened positive for PTSD symptoms, using the post-traumatic stress disorder checklist (PCL-5). The recruited participants were assigned into two research groups namely, experimental (N = 30), and control (N = 30) groups. Participants at experimental group were treated with VRET, whereas, participants at control group did not go through VRET protocols. Participants were assessed at baseline, midline and a 3-month follow-up assessment at end line. The results from independent sample t test showed that VRET was effective in the treatment of PTSD (p = 0.042). The partial Eta Square effect size of (η2 = 0.080; p = 0.042) at endline is an indication that VRET has a medium effect size. The study concluded that VRET is a potentially effective psychotherapeutic approach for the treatment of PTSD and it can be used to help the LGBTQ+ individuals to mitigate the severity of PTSD among the SGM population in Kenya.enEfficacyVirtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET)LGBTQ+Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM)The Efficacy of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy in Treating PTSD among LGBTQ Individuals in Selected Support Groups in KenyaArticle