Birya, Grace Dhahabu2021-01-282021-01-282020-10Birya, G. D. (2020). The Role of Communication in Crisis Management in Institutions of Higher Learning in Kenya: A Case of Daystar University Student Unrest. Daystar University, School of Communication: Nairobi of Arts in CommunicationThe purpose of the study was to examine the role of communication in crisis management in institutions of higher learning in Kenya, focusing on Daystar University Students’crisis (unrest) of 2017 and 2018. The study objectives were to determine the causes of the crisis, examine how communication was used to manage the crisis, and establish the effectiveness of communication during a crisis. The study used descriptive research design and targeted the deans of the various Daystar University schools, the head of the university’s Corporate Affairs department, the heads of Strategic & Organizational Communication and Language & Performing Arts departments, Daystar University Students Associations (DUSA) members, Senior Staff Association of Daystar University (SSADU) members, and third- and fourth-year Masters of Communication students.The study used a census approach to select a sample size of 95 target population. A questionnaire was used to collect data, and the data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 21. The study found that the students’ crisis was caused by different factors, including random fee hikes, lack of value for money, lack of transparency, poor facilities at the university, and autocratic management. The findings pointed to the role of communication in crisis management in helping to reduce and contain harm, provide specific information to stakeholders, manage image and perception, initiate and enhance recovery, and explain and justify actions. The channels used to mitigate this crisis include face-to-face, social media, mainstream media, written communication, and phone calls. The most effective channel was face-to-face and social media. However, most of the respondents believed that effective communication during the crisis was hindered by misinformation, communication breakdown, and delayed feedback. The study recommends the need for university managements to embrace more open communication/dialogue/forums when making decisions involving students’ welfare.enCommunicationCrisis ManagementInstitutions of Higher LearningDaystar University Student UnrestThe Role of Communication in Crisis Management in Institutions of Higher Learning in Kenya: A Case of Daystar University Student UnrestThesis