Buyu, Eva2025-01-272025-01-272024Buyu, E. (2024). An Evaluation of The Perfomance of Women Political Leaders in Nation Building: A Case Study of Nairobi County, Kenya. Daystar University, School of Arts and Social Sciences. OF ARTS in Diplomacy, Development, and International SecurityWomen’s participation in politics in Kenya, especially in urban areas like Nairobi County, is indicative of a larger social movement in favour of gender parity in public life. The goal of this study was to assess women political leaders in Nairobi County critically, with an emphasis on their contributions to the complex process of nation-building. This research aimed to evaluate the impact of women leaders on the political landscape and the advancement of the nation by looking at their roles in economic development, social cohesion, policy advocacy, and governance. Recognizing the significance of women in the political space has been slow as they have been seen to play a peripheral role and wrongly perceived insignificant role in the society. In Kajiado, Mandera, Garissa, Wajir and Samburu are yet to elect a woman in their county assembly. Women role in politics has increased and it was witnessed when one of the main presidential contenders had a woman as their running mate. Women were active on throughout the 2022 election cycle in spite coded messages target them. More women ran for elective posts in 2022 than in 2017 as the major political outfits pledged party inclusion strategies for women. Therefore, there are significant challenges towards women involvement in political leadership. This study sought to determine the role of women in Nairobi County’s political leadership, the different aspects of women leadership and the effect women leadership in politics. The study adopted a descriptive research design by use of 233 sample size of women political leaders in Nairobi County. This study found out that the provisions of the constitutional on women leadership are not sufficient in supporting women to get into the sphere of political leadership. Therefore, more needs to be done on legislative front to encourage and incentivize women to join their male counterparts in political leadership positions. Although women could provide needed leadership traits in the political sphere, their participation is minimal while most people think they might not make good leaders. The study also discovered that men have a role to play so that women can get into political leadership positions through provision of funding, educating and training young girls among other forms of support. The study also found out that there are hurdles within the political sphere that prevents more women from joining politics. Some of the deterrents are due to fear of women leadership among the citizens thus promoting reliance on the political establishment. Women are faced with various challenges that include economical, societal roles and responsibilities, cultural constraints among other barriers. Nevertheless, the few women in political leadership made gender advocacy stronger, increased the number of elected women in political leadership positions and brought changes in policies that address women in the legislature. Therefore, women leadership in politics has impacted the political sphere and structure in great proportions specifically in Nairobi County leadershipenWomen in PoliticsWomen political leadersComplex process of nation-building.An Evaluation of The Perfomance of Women Political Leaders in Nation Building: A Case Study of Nairobi County, KenyaThesis