Wekesa, Moni2020-02-042020-02-042006Wekesa M. What is SUI Generis system of Intellectual Property Protection?. African Technology Policy Studies Network, 2006.ISBN: 9966-916-71-7https://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/3113The African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) is a multi-disciplinary network of researchers, policy makers, actors in the private sector and other end-users interested in generating, promoting and strengthening innovative science and technology policies in Africa. With a regional secretariat in Nairobi, the network operates through national chapters in 23 African countries, with an expansion plan to cover the entire sub-Saharan Africa. One of the objectives of the network is to disseminate research results to policy makers, legislators, the organized private sector, civil society, mass media and farmers’ groups through publications, dialogue and advocacy. Among its range of publications are the Working Paper Series (WPS), Research Paper Series (RPS), Special Paper Series (SPS) and the Technopolicy Briefs. Technopolicy Briefs Series are commissioned short papers written by experts from all over the world specifically to address current science and technology policy concerns and questions in Africa. The briefs are also summaries of technical papers published under our WPS, SPS and RPS written to highlight significant policy recommendations. These briefs are written with the busy policymakers and non-specialists in mind. The materials are designed for general readership and help advance the advocacy and knowledge brokerage roles of the ATPS. ATPS is supported by a growing number of donors including the International Development Research Center (IDRC), the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank, the OPEC Fund, Ford Foundation, Coca-Cola Eastern Africa, the African Development Bank, and the Royal Dutch GovernmentenSui GenerisTraditional KnowledgeIntellectual Property RegimesWhat is SUI Generis system of Intellectual Property Protection?Technical Report