Plant, AliciaMunyao, Martin2023-03-222023-03-222022Plant, A. & Munyao, M. (2022). Distance Education that Matters; Creating Sustainable Online Pedagogy. In Online Learning, Instruction, and Research in Post-Pandemic Higher Education in Africa. Lexington Books, MD. ChapterOnline Learning, Instruction, and Research in Post-Pandemic Higher Education in Africa, edited by Martin Munyao, argues that beyond survival, universities need to adapt to technology-mediated communication learning in order to thrive. Disruptive technologies have recently proved to be means of thriving for institutions of higher learning. This book reflects on how leveraging on education technology has transformed teaching, learning, and research Higher Education Institutions (HEI) impacting Africa through digital transformation. In particular, HEIs are collaborating more now than ever before. Finally, this book addresses the challenges of teaching STEM programs online in Africa.enDistance EducationSustainable Online PedagogyDistance Education that Matters; Creating Sustainable Online PedagogyBook chapter