Muema, Alphonse2020-11-122020-11-122016-06Muema, A., (2016). Communication Strategies and Fundraising Efforts in the Catholic Diocese of Machakos. Daystar University, School of Communication, Nairobi. of Arts in CommunicationThe purpose of this study was to show the communication strategies and fundraising efforts in Catholic Diocese of Machakos. The objectives of this study were to establish other communication strategies other than radio and the newsletter in use that can be used to fundraise in the Catholic Diocese of Machakos; to find out if the new communication strategies would be effective in the catholic diocese of Machakos, to identify if the communication strategies would be able to cover the whole of the Catholic Diocese of Machakos and , to establish the reasons behind the increasing contributions of the laity in the Catholic Diocese of Machakos. The study used a descriptive survey research design. Questionnaires were used to collect data. The study identified a number of channels that can be used in conjunction with the radio and the newsletter. Findings from both the Christian small groups and the clergy showed that mass media and Facebook, WhatsApp and particularly SMS were most prevalent. Contrary to early assumptions of the study, newsletter and radio did not constitute barriers for fundraising. The study recommended that a thorough review of communication channels used for fundraising be reviewed, and that the diocese develops a communication strategy focusing on current social media. Based on the findings of this study, this study recommended a similar study to be carried out among other Catholic Dioceses in Kenya. This study also recommended that a study should be done to assess the use of funds in the Catholic Church in Kenya, as respondents expressed concerns on accountability of the funds.enCommunication StrategiesFundraisingCatholic Diocese of MachakosCommunication Strategies and Fundraising Efforts in the Catholic Diocese of MachakosThesis