Atieno, Lucy Anne2024-10-152024-10-152017-06Atieno, L. A. (2017). Effect Of Strategic Change on Organizational Performance of State Owned Corporations in Kenya: A Case of Kenya Wildlife Services. Daystar University, School of Business and Economics OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION in Strategic ManagementThe aim of such strategic change is to overhaul the administrative systems of the government, so as to be proficient in providing services to both the citizens and government. In light of this, the study sought to establish the effect of strategic change on the performance of Kenya Wildlife Services. The study was driven by three objectives which were; to identify the strategic change, to assess the effect of strategic change on performance and to determine the challenges faced by Kenya Wildlife Services in the process of implementing strategic change. The study focused on 144 employees of KWS located at the head office in Lang'ata, Nairobi, Kenya. The study was able to establish that; 51% of the participants at the KWS confirmed that administrative strategic change had been embraced in the organization while 49% also confirmed that technical, strategic change had been embraced in the organization, the effect of strategic change on organizational performance at KWS is moderate with an R Square value of 18.3% and that the key challenge facing implementation of strategic change was poor communication as agreed upon by 49.4% of the respondents. Based on these key findings, the study recommended that; the organization should focus on championing the implementation of strategic change, the management of KWS should consider taking a comprehensive approach in looking into factors that may enhance organizational performance and that KWS should find appropriate ways of communicating the strategic change to its employees. The study finally proposed that researchers can research on the extent to which challenges affecting the implementation of strategic change affects the performance of the organization in relation to adaptability to the external environment, efficiency, and effectiveness in the organization in the future.enstrategic changeadministrative systemsperformance of Kenya Wildlife Servicespoor communicationEffect Of Strategic Change on Organizational Performance of State Owned Corporations in Kenya: A Case of Kenya Wildlife ServicesThesis