Kimanzi, Alex2024-04-292024-04-292023-09Kimanzi, A., (2023, Thesis). An Investigation Of Depression Among Adolescents In Orphanages: A Case Of Nyumbani Village Children’s Home, Kitui County, Kenya. School of Applied Sciences, Daystar University ThesisPurpose of the study was to assess the prevalence of depression among adolescents living in the Nyumbani Village Children’s Home and how they coped with this mental condition. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence of depression among the adolescents living in Nyumbani Village Children’s home in Kitui County, explore the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics and depression and establish the coping mechanisms employed by adolescents in dealing with depression in the orphanage. Descriptive research design was used with a sample of 76 adolescents randomly selected from pupils in class 5, 6, 7 and 8. Data was collected using a questionnaire. However the actual prevalence of depression among the adolescents was assessed using the Beck’s Depression Inventory (DBI-II). Some of the study findings were that prevalence of depression among the adolescents was 39.1%; where females had higher levels of depression (46.7%) compared to males who were at 32.4%; older children had higher depression; for young children (4-6 years) being visited or not by relatives or guardians was statistically significant with depression prevalence (p=0.003); adolescents largely utilized positive coping mechanisms against depression including art therapy 73.4% and physical activity at 70.3% and there was a statistically significant gender difference in the coping mechanism of ‘talking to other people/friends’ (p=0.030) where more girls (31.3%) compared to boys (26.6%) used this particular coping mechanism. Further, the institution should develop a policy against bullying and non-discrimination in the orphanage and ministry of education to craft a policy for managing depression among pupils and students in public and private schools.enDepressionAdolescentsOrphanagesNyumbani Village Children’s HomeKitui CountyKenyaAn Investigation of Depression Among Adolescents in Orphanages: A Case of Nyumbani Village Children’s Home, Kitui County, Kenya.Thesis