Wanyeri, Mary Nyambura2021-10-072021-10-072011-05Wanyeri, M. N., (2011). Analysis of Critical Success Factors on Employee Retention a Case of the Karen Hospital. Daystar University, School of Business and Economicshttps://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/3698Master of Business Administration in Strategic Management and Human Resource ManagementEmployee retention is one of the biggest challenges facing corporate leaders and businesses today. Attracting the best talent is a demanding task, but retaining these employees is even more difficult. One way to tackle this problem is to understand what employees want from an organization. The main objectives of this study were to establish the reasons why employees stay or leave The Karen Hospital (TKH), to evaluate the current employee retention strategies used in TKH, to determine the critical success factors for employee retention and to determine the effects of employee turnover on employee productivity and TKH performance. The employee retention study was aimed at helping the hospital establish the critical success factors on employee retention. The key findings of the research showed that majority of employees stayed at TKH because of the following reasons: the work was challenging, the work environment was conducive and that there was training and development of employees. Majority of the employees left TKH because of career advancement, salary, long working hours and low benefits provided to them in the organization. The current employee retention strategies used in TKH included availability of appropriate resources and equipment, promotion of diversity amongst employees, positive work environment, medical benefits etc. The employees however felt that their ability to balance between work/life issues due to workload, competitive pay, flexibility of work schedule, reward and recognition, career advancement and lack of incentives needed to be addressed in order to make employees more motivated and productive in the organization. The findings of the study provided the critical success factors that could contribute to employee retention in TKH which included providing competitive pay, according trust of employees by management to make correct decisions in the workplace, giving incentives, providing training and education opportunities, provision of appropriate resources and equipment for work, recognition and reward for outstanding performance and providing flexible working hours. The results of this study also indicated that high staff turnover reduced significantly the productivity and performance of employees in the organization. From the findings of the research, the researcher recommended that the remuneration package and benefits of employees should be reviewed, employees should be recognized and acknowledged for their outstanding performance, the working schedules should be improved which should include flexible working hours and more training and educational opportunities should be provided within the organization. The organization should also develop their employees and offer career advancement so that their worth to the organization increases.enSuccess FactorsEmployee RetentionKaren HospitalAnalysis of Critical Success Factors on Employee Retention a Case of the Karen HospitalThesis