Ayiro, Laban Peter2019-07-292019-07-292009L.P, A., 2013. An Analysis of Emotional Intelligence and the Performance of Principals in Selected Schools in Kenya.Journal of Advances in Developing Human Resources, 11, p.719– 746. https://journals.sagepub.comhttps://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/2835The article investigates the degree of association between the emotional intelligence (EI) of school principals and their performance rating. The concept of EI is defined and data collected using the Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test. This is related to the performance of the school in terms of test scores in national examinations as well as other measurable variables at the school level. The findings render valuable information indicating that there was a significant relationship between a school principal’s EI and the school’s success as measured by the rating of school principals who participated in the study. The study will enable further exploration into the emotional cognitive and psychological structures of these vital managers in the education sector using established HRD training programmes aimed at improving EI and performance of school principals.enemotional intelligenceperformance improvementhuman resource developmentleadershipAn Analysis of Emotional Intelligence and the Performance of Principals in Selected Schools in KenyaArticle