Akala, Winston JumbaImonje, Rosemary Khitieyi2023-11-232023-11-232020-11Wandera et al: Adequacy of School Resources and infrastructure in relation to Pupils’ Performance in English subject at Kenya Certificate of Primary Education Examination. (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue XI, November 2020 | ISSN 2454-6186 https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-4-issue-11/23-29.pdfISSN 2454-6186https://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/4217Journal ArticleSchool resources and infrastructure are very essential to the learning and teaching process. In exploring level of learner performance in Kenya Certificate of Primary Examinations, learning resources and school infrastructure is one of major indicators of the level of preparedness for enhancing learner performance. The study determined the relation of the adequacy of school resources and infrastructure on learner performance in Kenya Certificate of Primary Examination (KCPE) in English subject in public primary schools in Kenya. The study used descriptive survey design using purposive sampling technique. This enabled the study capture how levels of adequacy of school resources and infrastructure relate to learner performance in National Examination public primary schools in Machakos County. The unit of analysis was Public primary schools. The County has 842 Government run public primary schools out of which 86 schools were studied. Data was collected using observation schedules and questionnaires. Respondents were teachers who teach English subject. Study found that availability and usage of teaching and learning resources averaging 65 % and availability/adequacy and usage of school infrastructure averaging 60 % to correspond to learner performance scores in KCPE.enlearning resourcesschool infrastructureKenya Certificate of Primary Examinationpupils’ performanceAdequacy of School Resources and infrastructure in relation to Pupils’ Performance in English subject at Kenya Certificate of Primary Education ExaminationArticle