Wambugu, DorisWachira, David MuturiMwamba, Dorcas2021-06-142021-06-142016Wambugu, D., Wachira, M. & Mwamba, D. (2016). The Effect of Innovation on Service Delivery in The Public Sector in Kenya. International Journal of Business Strategies, 2(2), pp. 1-21.https://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/3607Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of innovation on service delivery. Methodology: The study adopted descriptive research design. The study adopted a descriptive analysis by use of descriptive statistics such as mean and frequencies. The target population in this study was 280 employees working in Nairobi GPO. A mixed sampling technique was adopted. The sample size of this study was 65 employees of Nairobi GPO Huduma Centres and 5 members of the public. This study used primary data. Data was collected using questionnaires. Results: These findings imply that products/service innovations carried out at Huduma centers have contributed immensely on performance of the centers in Kenya. The findings indicated that the respondents rated technology innovations to have major positive effects on increasing the number of people served, reducing time of service delivery, increasing accountability and transparency and finally improving public understanding of government activities. These findings imply that Huduma center innovations faced lack of adequate resources during implementations. Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommends that Huduma should involve their staff more in the innovation in order to have better service delivery. The study also recommends that Huduma centers should encourage their customers to give their feedback on services and products innovation at the centers for further development. The study also recommends that Huduma centers directors should encourage the employees to come up with new ways to better service delivery. Huduma centers should also address the issue of lack of adequate and sufficient finance since it poses a major challenge to development of innovations at the centersenService deliveryInnovations.Public sectorThe Effect of Innovation on Service Delivery in The Public Sector in KenyaArticle