Boyo, Bernard2021-12-092021-12-091994Boyo, B. (1994). A Church’s Responsibility to Support its Pastor. Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology, 13(2), 67–85. Article0ne of the issues facing the Mrican church is that of adequate salaries for pastors. Not all churches give their pastors sufficient payment. I think, for example, of the Mrica Inland Churches of Nyandarua, Kenya where churches have failed to adequately meet their obligations in supporting the pastors financially. Insufficient support has brought about numerous problems that have affected the church's ministry in Nyandarua. The monthly salary given to a "full-time" pastor is too little compared to the needs that he has for his sustenance and that of his family. Consequently, most pastors have sought outside jobs, such as farming, in order to earn adequate income. In effect, the church suffers from "spiritual malnutrition" because pastors cannot give their full attention to the ministry. The pastor's divided effort causes alack of spiritual nurture and lack of church growth.enSalaries for pastorsSupporting the pastors financially.A Church’s Responsibility to Support Its PastorArticle