Agnes Odero2024-05-062024-05-062023-10Odero, A,. (2023, Thesis). Trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy in treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder among adolescent victims of domestic violence from selected schools in kajiado county, kenya. School of Applied Human Sciences, Daystar University ThesisABSTRACT This study assessed the efficacy of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy in treating post-traumatic stress disorder among adolescents exposed to domestic violence in Kajiado County, Kenya. Respondents were 111 adolescents (age 13-18 years) from two selected mixed sex public secondary schools. The Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) assessed for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms and a self- administered socio demographic questionnaire (SDQ) assessed for domestic violence incidences. A quasi-experimental design (control; experimental) was used with assessments done at baseline, midline (after 6 weeks) and endline (after 12 weeks). TF-CBT intervention, was offered for 10 weeks to those with PTSD symptoms who had undergone domestic violence but no intervention was offered to the control group. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 29 was used for data analysis. Those who had experienced domestic violence were (n=93; 90.3%) (experimental=43, control =50) and the prevalence of PTSD was 57(61.3%), M=81.46,S.D=24.20. The sociodemographic predictors of PTSD were the “Number of Friends at school” (Experimental: p=0.018) where an increase in the number of friends led to a decrease in the PTSD prevalence. TF-CBT alleviated PTSD symptoms where the paired samples test showed a statistically significant decline in symptoms (p=.033) in the experimental group from baseline to endline which was not the case in the control group (p=.986). The findings thus pointed to high rates of domestic violence among the students and also high prevalence of PTSD among students experiencing domestic violence. Hence, there is need for assessments in schools and a consideration to instituting TF-CBT interventions within the school curriculums to help students who may be having PTSD resulting from various forms of domestic violence.enTraumacognitive behavioral therapyposttraumatic stress disorderadolescentdomestic violencekajiado countykenyaTrauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy in treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder among adolescent victims of domestic violence from selected schools in kajiado county, kenya.Thesis