Mbulo, Morris M.2024-04-302024-04-302023-10Mbulo, M, M., (2023, Thesis). Assessment Of Compassion Fatigue Among Nurses And Their Coping Strategies: A Case Of Mathari National Teaching And Referral Hospital (Mntrh), Nairobi County, Kenya. School of Applied Human Sciences, Daystar Universityhttps://repository.daystar.ac.ke/handle/123456789/4303Masters UniversityABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the prevalence of compassion fatigue among nurses working at Mathari National Teaching and Referral Hospital (MNTRH) in Nairobi County, Kenya. The specific objectives included: identify the prevalence of compassion fatigue among nurses working in MNTRH; analyze the relationship between the socio-demographic factors and compassion fatigue among nurses working in MNTRH and to establish the coping strategies used to mitigate compassion fatigue among the nurses. The theoretical framework incorporated compassion fatigue theory, social support theory, and stress and coping theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design and a mixed-methods approach. Data collection was from a target population of 260 nurses. It had a sample size of 158 participants determined using the Yamane simplified formula and factored in attrition to obtain 170 participants. Study respondents were selected through simple random sampling and stratified sampling. Three nurses-in charge were purposively selected to provide in-depth interviews. Ethical clearance was obtained from Daystar University ISERC.Permit to collect data was obtained from NACOSTI and clearance obtained from the MNTRH Research Review Committee. Pretesting of the data collection instruments was done. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires and key informant interviews. Data was analyzed for descriptive and inferential statistics using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. Appropriate tests of statistical significance were employed. The study findings are presented through tables, frequencies and percentages. The study found compassion fatigue was prevalent at 93.51% (n=144). Only the age of the respondents was related to compassionate fatigue, (p=.001). The respondents used various coping strategies. The most utilized were: faith/spirituality; family support; self-care and flexible working arrangements. Further MNTRH did not offer any coping strategies besides counselling to the study respondents. The participants gave a number of specific proposals for implementation. The study concludes that there is high prevalence of compassion fatigue. It recommends a similar study on the other health professionals; a study on the professional quality of life of the nurses and other healthcare professionals and a study on how to improve the hospital’s working conditions.enFatigueCompassionNursesMathari National Teaching And Referral HospitalNairobi CountyKenyaAssessment Of Compassion Fatigue Among Nurses And Their Coping Strategies: A Case Of Mathari National Teaching And Referral Hospital (Mntrh), Nairobi County, KenyaThesis