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Item Effect of Recruitment on Employer Branding In the Mobile Telecommunication Sector in Kenya(The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 2016) Keino, Dinah Chebet; Gachunga, Hazel; Ogollah, KennedyOrganizations both depend on a high degree of employee commitment to their corporate brand and expect a high degree of employee commitment as a result of their corporate brand. The effect of recruitment on employer branding is one of the latest trends and strategies adopted by many organisations so as to remain competive. This study sought to establish the effect of recruitment employed by the licensed mobile firms in the telecommunication sector in Kenya with the aimed of promoting employer branding. The study established the relationship that exists between recruitment and employer branding on selection, hiring process, sourcing and screening in the mobile telecommunication sector. The study used a descriptive design. Data was collected using a structured self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered to all the four firms identified and the target population was all the top, middle and lower level managers totaling to three hundred and ninety (390). To ascertain the validity and reliability of questionnaire, a pre-test and pilot survey was conducted. Data analysis involved statistical computations for averages, percentages, coefficient of correlation and multiple logistic regression analysis. Statistical computer software (SPSS and Ms Excel) were used in data analysis. The study found that recruitment factors such as selection, hiring process, sourcing and screening have positive and significant effect on employer branding. The study recommended adoption of a written procedure on employee recruitment by all mobile telecommunication companies. Recruitment process should also be transparent in the organization. This will boost the employer brandingItem Effect of Reward on Employer Branding In the Mobile Telecommunication Sector in Kenya(Human Resource and Leadership Journal, 2017) Keino, Dinah Chebet; Gachunga, Hazel; Ogollah, KennedyPurpose: The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of reward on employer branding in the mobile telecommunication sector in Kenya. Methodology: The study used descriptive design. The data collection instrument used was questionnaire. Census study method was used. The target population was only the top, middle and lower level managers in the mobile telecommunication sector totaling to three hundred and ninety (390). A pre-test and pilot survey was conducted. Data analysis involved statistical computations for averages, percentages, and correlation and regression analysis. Statistical computer software (SPSS) was used in data analysis. Analyzed data was presented using tables, charts and graphs. Results: Results revealed that in most of the mobile telecommunication companies in Kenya employees were stimulated by Salary, benefit and allowances to apply for the job. The results of the study also showed that Bonus, pension pay and promotions have great impact on the success of the organization and may influence retention in the mobile telecommunication companies in Kenya. The results further showed that exists a benefit scheme policy in the mobile telecommunication sector in Kenya, this implies that majority of the telecommunication companies have enrolled their employees to the benefit scheme. Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommended Mobile telecommunication sector in Kenya to introduce annual salary reviews, housing and commuter allowances to motivate their employees and boost the employee brandingItem Effects of Delegation of Authority on Organizational Performance: A Case of Twiga Chemical Industries Ltd(European Journal of Business and Strategic Management, 2017) Shikami, Akweyu Kennedy; Keino, Dinah ChebetPurpose:The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of delegation of authority on organizational performance: a case of Twiga chemical industries ltd. Methodology:The study adopted adescriptive research design and correlation research design.The target population in this study was200 permanent employees of Twiga chemical industries ltd in Nairobi. Stratified sampling technique was used in this study to come with a desirable sample. Primary data was collected by use of questionnaires and utilized in this study to enhance originality of the study. The questionnaires were administered to the randomly selected employees who were the respondents. The questionnaire comprised of the questions that intended to answer the questions formulated with reference to the objectives of the study.The study used the quantitative method of data analysis. The collected data was edited, coded, keyed in and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. The quantitative data wasanalysed using both descriptive statistics and correlations. Regression model was then used to show the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. Results: Regression of coefficients results showed that legislative delegation and organisation performance are positively and significant related at both 1% and 5% confidence level (B=0.284, p=0.032). The results further indicated that adjudicative delegation and organisation performance are positively and significant related at 1% and 5% confidence level (B=0.319, p=0.011). The results further established that monitoring and enforcement delegation were positively and significantly related at 1% and 5% confidence level (B=0.334, p=.013). Similarly, results showed that agenda setting delegation and organisation performance were positively and insignificantly related at 5% confidence level (B=0.094, p=0.455). Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Based on the findings the study recommended that organisations and firms should consider delegation of authority as one way of enhancing organisation performance. The study further recommended that those in authority should be very careful when delegating authority not to go overboard.Item Effects of Electronic Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Performance: A Case of University of Maryland Programs, Nairobi Kenya(Journal of Human Resource and Leadership, 2020) Obama, Moureen Atieno; Keino, Dinah Chebet; Kyongo, Joanes Kaleli; Muriithi, Samuel Muiruri; Amata, Evans OmbimaThe purpose study was to determine the effect of Electronic Human Resource Management (EHRM) practices on organizational performance at University of Maryland Programs (UMB), Kenya. The objectives of the study were to identify the existing Electronic Human Resource Management practices in University of Maryland Programs; to examine the level of performance in UMB; to establish how EHRM practices contribute to organizational performance in UMB. This study adopted a descriptive research design. The researcher used a stratified sampling technique. The sample size of the study was 107. Primary data was collected by use of questionnaires. The validity and reliability of the instrument were measured by the Cronbach Alpha test. The collected data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPPS) twenty third edition. The study found that 88.7%, of the respondents were aware that e-recruitment was used at UMB to a large extent as indicated while 83.5%, of the respondents were aware that e- e-compensation was utilized at UMB to a large extent and finally 84.1% of the respondents were aware that e-recruitment was used at UMB to a large extent Secondly, the indicators of organizational performance at UMB were found by the study to include workforce’ agility, organizations productivity, organizational effectiveness and organizational flexibility as agreed by 75.3%, 61.9%, 69.0% and 67.0% of the respondents. Finally, 76.8%, 76.05%, 76.3% and 74.6% of respondents agreed that e-recruitment, e-training, e-compensation and e-performance wereimplemented had effect on organizational flexibility, organizational effectiveness, workforce agility and organizational productivity at UMB. The study recommended that UMB to focus on E-performance management since it has a significant relationship with organizational effectiveness.Item Effects of Work Life Balance on Staff Performance in the Telecommunication Sector in Kenya(Archives of Business Research, 2016) Keino, Dinah Chebet; Kithae, Peter PaulWork life balance practices have positive impact on employee performance in an organisation in as much as work life imbalance has also been proved to have side effects of well being of employees. This study looked at the effect of work life balance on staff performance in the telecommunication sector in Kenya. It used role theory and spill over theory to support the research. Descriptive research design was adopted in order to provide a framework to examine current conditions, trends and status of events regarding work life balance. The target population of the study was 390 senior staff working at Safaricom, Airtel, Telkom Kenya’s Orange and Essar Kenya’s Yu Headquarters in Nairobi. The study focused on the three levels of management who are directly dealing with the day to day management of the companies. Stratified random sampling technique was used since population of interest is not homogeneous and could be subdivided into groups or strata to obtain a representative sample. Structured* questionnaires* were used as method of data collection. Data analysis was done using both qualitative and quantitative methods. From the findings, it was evident that work life balance factors such as long working hours, overtime, lack of vacation, family responsibilities and family work conflict all negatively affects staff performance at work. The study recommended among others that companies* in the telecommunication sector in Kenya need to review overtime working policy; introduce rotational work; adopt use of delegation and support employees through counseling and resources* to*meet* family* expectations and responsibilities. Finally, this study suggests that future studies explore other work life balance factors that could affect staff performance.Item Influence of Organizational Culture on Employer Branding In the Mobile Telecommunication Sector in Kenya(Human Resource and Leadership Journal, 2017) Keino, Dinah Chebet; Gachunga, Hazel; Ogollah, KennedyPurpose: The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of organizational culture on employer branding in the mobile telecommunication sector in Kenya. Methodology: The study used descriptive design. The data collection instrument used was questionnaire. Census study method was used. The target population was only the top, middle and lower level managers in the mobile telecommunication sector totaling to three hundred and ninety (390). A pre-test and pilot survey was conducted. Data analysis involved statistical computations for averages, percentages, and correlation and regression analysis. Statistical computer software (SPSS) was used in data analysis. Analyzed data was presented using tables, charts and graphs. Results: Results revealed that in most telecommunication companies in Kenya employee’s work as a team, rather than hierarchy. The results also revealed that in most Mobile telecommunication companies in Kenya people are viewed as an important source of competitive advantage. The results also revealed that most telecommunication companies in Kenya have consistent core values. The results also showed that majority agreed with the statement that Work is organized so that each person can see the relationship between his or her job and the goals of the organization Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The Mobile telecommunication sector in Kenya should have clear well communicated long term vision as well as formal and structured induction, orientation and familiarization process. The study also recommends that the mobile telecommunication companies in Kenya should enhance strategy fit culture, involve the employees in decision making and in addition, strive to maintain good working environment, flexible work schedule, and refreshing atmosphere which will boost employee’s morale and encourage team work. Finally, the findings should also be used in comparison with the performance of other companies like the manufacturing and academic institutions in kenya in relation to Human resource practices, organizational culture and employer branding.Item Intervening Effect of Employee Retention on the Relationship between Strategic Leadership and Performance of Health Care Workers in North Eastern Kenya(Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 2022) Ahmed, Abdikadir Ore; Keino, Dinah Chebet; Machoka, Paul.Abstract The efficiency of the healthcare workers determines the overall performance in a healthcare setting. The performance of the employees can be affected by internal and external factors. Thus, the study sought to examine the intervening effect of employee retention on the relationship between strategic leadership and performance of health care workers in north eastern Kenya. The study was anchored on job embeddedness theory. The research study adopted a correlation research design. The study target population was 3,000 Health care workers and 10 County leadership who included health managers working with County Health Department of Garissa, Wajir and Mandera. The sample size for the health care workers was 353 obtained using Yamane Formular. A census was undertaken for the health managers in the counties. Questionnaires were used to collect the data. Both descriptive and inferential analysis was done on the collected data. The study findings indicated there is a partial intervening effect of employee retention on the relationship between strategic leadership and performance of health care workers in North Eastern Counties of Kenya. The study concluded employee retention is influenced by employee empowerment, recognition, and remuneration. The regression model of strategic leadership on health worker performance was positively and significantly related. The study recommended the need of encouraging the health workers to remain in North Eastern regions despite the circumstances. There is a need of the county governments and other health care stakeholders to emphasize empowerment, recognition, remuneration and training and development of the health care workers.Item The Mediating Effect of Employee Remuneration on the Relationship between Leadership Practices and Turnover Intention of Technical Staff in Kenyan Schedule Operating Passenger Airlines(African Journal of Emerging Issues (AJOEI), 2020) Taye, Getnet Tilahun; Keino, Dinah Chebet; Ngala, Michael OruchoPurpose of the study: The objective of the study was to examine the mediating effect of employee remuneration on the relationship between leadership practices and turnover intention of technical staff in the Kenyan schedule operating passenger airlines. Statement of problem: The global airline industry is facing various challenges. One of the major challenges is related to the turnover of highly skilled technical staff. The turnover intention of staff is viewed as a direct predictor of actual intention. The turnover intention of employees is heavily affected by leadership practices and remuneration policies. Research Methodology: The data for the study was collected from all the 12 Kenyan schedule operating passenger airlines. The research design used by the study was descriptive cross-sectional survey design. A total of 335 sample respondents were selected using proportionate stratified sampling technique from the population of 2058 technical staff. Research Findings: The results from the data analysis indicated that there is no significant mediating effect of employee remuneration on the relationship between leadership practices and turnover intention as there is no significant influence of employee remuneration on turnover intention when controlling for leadership practices (β =0.02 & p-Value=0.224>0.05). Conclusions: The study concluded that there is no significant mediating effect of employee remuneration on the relationship between leadership practices and turnover intention of technical staff in Kenyan schedule operating passenger airlines Recommendations: The study recommended practitioners to deviate from the traditional assumption of considering remuneration as a sole influencer of staff turnover intention and consider leadership practices in the staff retention strategy of an organizationItem Mediating Effect of Social Security Administration on Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Performance of Public Sector Social Security Agencies in Kenya(Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 7(4), 109–127., 2023-10-21) Abdullahi, Ibrahim Maalim; Ngui, Thomas; Keino, Dinah ChebetThe management of social security by some state agencies has been accused of the issue of low coverage and not affordability. Thus, the purpose of the study was to examine the mediating effect of social security administration on relationship between transformational leadership and performance of public sector social security agencies in Kenya. The study was anchored on institutional theory. A positivist research philosophy was utilized in the study. The study adopted a correlational research design. The target population was 176 public sector social security agencies in Kenya. The study purposively selected two managers from each of the 176 public sector social security agencies in Kenya, resulting in a sample size of 352 participants. SPSS version 26 was used in the analysis of the data. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The correlation results showed that social security administration is positively and significantly correlated with performance (r = 0.796, p=0.000). Social security administration plays a significant role in mediating the relationship between transformational leadership and performance in the public sector social security agencies in Kenya. The study concludes that social security administration encompasses several aspects, including having a clear vision and direction, inducing responsibility and technical expertise among employees. The study recommends that the management should prioritize having a clear vision and direction, instilling responsibility and technical expertise in employees. There is the need of maintaining an effective communication flow, promoting honesty and integrity, capitalizing on opportunities, prioritizing resource allocation based on urgency, investing financial resources wisely and keeping administration costs low. Social security agencies has to improve service delivery, communication and complaint platforms to be customer-centric. In addition, the government should develop a comprehensive social security policy for all citizens, including the informal sector.Item The Moderating Effect of Labor Demand on the relationship between Leadership Practices and Turnover Intention of Technical Staff in Kenyan Schedule Operating Passenger Airlines(Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 2020) Taye, Getnet Tilahun; Keino, Dinah Chebet; Ngala, Michael OruchoThe airline industry is facing various challenges. Among these challenges include turnover of highly skilled technical staff, which is emerging to be an issue to the airlines and will continue as a result of high industry growth forecast. The turnover intention of staff is viewed as a direct predictor of actual intention. The turnover intention of employees is heavily affected by leadership practices and industry labor demand factors play a significant role. The objective of the study was to determine the moderating effect of labor demand on the relationship between leadership practices and turnover intention of technical staff in the Kenyan schedule operating passenger airlines. The data was collected from all the 12 Kenyan schedule operating passenger airlines. The target population was 2058 technical staff. The research design used was descriptive cross-sectional survey design. A total of 335 sample respondents were used in the study. The researcher selected the sample using proportionate stratified sampling technique. To determine the sample size, the researcher used Yamane‟s formula. Open and close-ended questionnaires were used to collect data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis and presentation. The findings from the research indicated that labor demand has a significant moderating role on the relationship between leadership practices and turnover intention of technical staff. The study recommended practitioners to be cognizant of the high labor demand for technical staff which can significantly affect the relationship between leadership practice and turnover intention. Practitioners should also tailor their staff retention strategy based on the labor demand for each job category. Policy makers should also ensure effective policies are in place to ensure the labor demand does not significantly influence turnover.Item Relationship between Human Capacity Building and Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises (Mses) In Kisumu City(Archives of Business Research, 2016) Kithae, Peter Paul; Keino, Dinah ChebetThis*paper* focused*on* the*relationship*between*human*capacity*building*and* performance*of*micro*and*small*enterprises*(mses)*in*kisumu*city.*Despite*the* central* role* of* mses* in* employment,* industrial* transformation* and* poverty* reduction,* the* competitiveness* and* growth* prospects* of* Mses* Fall* below* the* levels* required* to* meet* challenges* of* increasing* and* changing* basis* for* competition.* Effective*management* of*a*company’s*human*resources* is*key*to* business*survival*in*today’s*world.*Human*capacity*building*can*be*particularly* important* for*small* firms.*The* need* for*human* capacity* building* for*SMEs* in* Kenya*is*of*great*significance*if*we*are*to*increase*the*performance*and*growth* of*SMEs*and*at*the*same*time*reduce*inefficiency,*low*productivity*and*the*rate* of*failures*of*small*firm.*A*descriptive*research*design*was*used*to*carry*out*the* study.* A* sample* of* 320* mses* was* selected* for* study* using* quota* and* convenience* sampling* technique.* Convenience* sampling* technique* is* used* to* simplify* data* collection* procedures* and* to* avoid* the* complications* of* simple* random* method* since* the* researcher* just* picks* on* those* who* happen* to* be* available*and*are*willing,*until*the*desired*size*is*attained.*Both*qualitative*and* quantitative*research*designs*which*were*descriptive* in*nature*were*used;*as* Gall*and*Borg*noted,*“Descriptive* studies*by*nature*emphasis* interpretation.”* The* target*population* of*320*mses*was*drawn* from* the*7012*businesses* that* are* licensed* by* the* Municipal* Council* of* Kisumu.* The* study* revealed* that* appropriate* business* training* was* considered* a* very* important* contributing* factor* to* growth* and* Lack* of* business* management* training* facilities* was* perceived*as*a*major*barrier*to*growth.*One*of*the*reasons*for*this*could*be*the* fact* that*majority* of* respondents* had* not* been* formally* trained* in* the* skills* needed*to*operate*an*enterprise*professionally.The*study*recommended*that*if* training*is*to*be*offered*to*MSEs,*it*should*encourage*as*little*time*away*from* the*workplace*as*possible*and*that*it*should*be*very*flexible*and*inexpensive.*Item Strategic Leadership and Performance of Health Care Workers in the Northeastern Counties of Kenya(Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 2022) Ahmed, Abdikadir Ore; Keino, Dinah Chebet; Machoka, Paul.Abstract The Kenya Constitution in 2010 devolved health services provision to counties. Under the county governments, the provision of the health services have faced many challenges relating to human resource management, remuneration, service delivery and turnover hence begging the question as to whether counties have the capacity to manage the health function. Hence, the study sought to establish the relationship between strategic leadership and performance of health care workers in North Eastern Kenya counties. The study was anchored on the upper echelons theory. A descriptive cross sectional research design was used. The study target population was 3,000 Health care workers and 10 health managers in the counties. The sample size for the health care workers was 353 obtained using Yamane Formular. Besides, a census approach was undertaken for the health managers in the counties. The number of the health managers are few and manageable. Questionnaire was used to collect the data. Both descriptive and inferential analysis was done on the collected data. The study findings indicated that strategic leadership (idealized influence, vision development, inspirational motivation and contingent reward) is positively and significantly related performance of health care workers in North Eastern Counties of Kenya. The study recommended the management within the counties (health managers) need to exercise strategic leadership and all health professions be registered with a professional regulatory body. The health workers should be encouraged to remain in North Eastern regions despite the circumstances. The authorities mandated with quality health provision to coordinate and harmonize the development of health policies and laws that are effective and applicable to all.Item Transformational Leadership and Performance of Public Sector Social Security Agencies in Kenya(Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 7(4), 91–108., 2023-10-21) Abdullahi, Ibrahim Maalim; Ngui, Thomas; Keino, Dinah ChebetThe performance of public sector social security in Kenya has not been adequate and many are facing dismal performance trends in the performance of social security. The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of transformational leadership on the performance of public sector social security agencies in Kenya. The study was anchored on transformational leadership theory. A positivist research philosophy was utilized in the study. The study adopted a correlational research design. The target population of the study was 176 public sector social security agencies in Kenya. The study purposively selected two managers from each of the 176 public sector social security agencies, resulting in a sample size of 352 participants. SPSS version 26 was used in the analysis of the data. The quantitative data from the closed-ended questions was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The data was presented using tables and graphs. The correlation results showed that transformational leadership is positively and significantly associated with performance (r = 0.770, p=0.000). Regression coefficient analysis revealed that for every one-unit increase in transformational leadership, performance is expected to increase by 0.703 units, holding other factors constant. The study concluded that transformational leadership has a significant effect on performance of public sector social security agencies in Kenya. The study recommends that the management should adopt a transformational leadership style to enhance the performance of the agency. This can include seeking differing perspectives from employees, encouraging innovation and creativity, offering support and empowerment, promoting problem-solving, meeting employee needs, delegating tasks, fostering diversity, treating individuals as unique, delegating authority and sharing information. In addition, there is the need of encouraging cooperation, instilling belief in positive impact, taking risks, complying with organizational values, earning trust and respect, modeling ethical behavior, aligning behavior with organizational goals, and encouraging a high-performance culture.